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Python is an important coding language for early learners, because it will help them quickly learn how to think like a programmer. This language is comprehensive and simple to use, and its efficient readability helps strengthen students' logical thinking and problem solving skills. A majority of the syntax is similar to that of the English language, which is what makes using this language to solve problems efficient. Students learning Python will have the opportunity to learn about printing, variables and variable types, casting and concatenation, loops, conditionals, and functions. This program costs $15 per class.

Keyboard and Mouse
Two Pens on Notebook


If you're interested in web development, HTML and CSS is the way to go. Students will gain experience working with various tags, formatting, styles, alignment, spacing, lists, forms, tables, links, color, and much more, all while having fun and letting their creativity flow. Learn how to create a visually appealing web page with HTML and CSS attributes. 



Scratch is the perfect coding language for beginner learners, because it is comprehensive, simple, and fun to use. Students will learn how to work with motion basics, sensing, operators, logic, loops, variables, sprites, backdrops, and conditions. They will have the opportunity to create games using concepts taught, such as Catch the Donut, a simple maze game, and a more complex maze game. 

Notepad on Desk
Grade 6 Math
Succulent Plant and Binder Clips

Grades 6-7 Math

This tutoring program is divided into algebra and geometry. Students will learn about scientific notation, prime factorization of integers, and handling radicals. Algebra will introduce them to simplifying rational expressions, applying exponent rules, and graphing linear functions. Meanwhile, geometry will familiarize them with area and circumference of circles, area of compound and rectilinear shapes, and the volume of basic 3D figures. Students can also bring any questions they have from their math class to master the concepts. This program costs $20 per class.

Grade 5 Math

Grades 4-5 Math

This program is divided into 3 categories: arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. In arithmetic, students will learn about data representations, unit multipliers, time problems, age problems, rational numbers, and triangulation. Algebra will introduce them to simple probability and roots of numbers, and geometry will teach them about right triangles, the Pythagorean theorem, area of 2D figures, and volume of simple 3D figures. This program costs $10 per class.

Grade 4 Math
Quiet Desk

Basic Introductory Math

The goal of this course is to familiarize young elementary school students in grades 3-4 with the basics of mathematics. In this program, students will learn about the addition and subtraction of large numbers, solving basic linear equations for an unknown variable, as well as finding the area and perimeter of basic 2D figures. This program costs $8 per class.

Tutoring Program

This program is The Coding Leaf's most popular one; it is tailored to fit with the student's needs. In this program, students can gain help in math or programming (from their school, extracurriculars, etc.) during private, 1-on-1 sessions uniquely designed to help them master the concepts and gain experience in the STEM field, as well as to help prepare them in their academics. This program costs $10 per class. 

Two Pens on Notebook

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